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Neighborhood Beautification

The NoMa BID Ambassadors work seven days a week to ensure that the neighborhood is a pleasant and welcoming space for residents, workers, and visitors.

Trash & Litter Removal

The NoMa BID provides public trash and recycling receptacles throughout the neighborhood and empties these bins daily. In addition, the NoMa BID Ambassadors work tirelessly to keep the sidewalks and public spaces welcoming and free of litter and graffiti. The Ambassadors retrieve full trash and recycling bags from the sidewalks throughout the day.

Public Space Beautification & Maintenance

Maintenance and beautification includes the following:

  • Power-washing sidewalks
  • Graffiti removal
  • Assistance with grass mowing on the Metropolitan Branch Trail and next to the railroad tracks
  • Improving tree boxes
  • Plantings and landscaping
  • Ensuring pleasant strolls and cheerful commutes

Property Owner Responsibilities & Inclement Weather

Property owners are responsible for public space adjacent to their buildings and lots. Commercial property owners are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the public space from their property line to the street gutter. Residential property owners are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the public space from their property line to the sidewalk.

Snow and ice: Property owners are responsible for snow removal from the sidewalks. D.C. regulations state that snow must be removed within eight hours after a snowfall. Snow removal is not part of standard Ambassador services.

Join Our Ambassador Team

Interested in becoming an Ambassador? Click the button below to learn more and apply.

RSVP for FREE to our NoMa in Color Last Dance of Summer Celebration on September 20!