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Metropolitan Branch Trail 5K Race is a Growing Tradition


February 19, 2013


Sherri Morgan or Cristina von Spiegelfeld, MBT5K Race Directors, 202-455-5628; email: [email protected]

Metropolitan Branch Trail 5K Race is a Growing Tradition

WASHINGTON, DC – Organizers of the Third Annual Metropolitan Branch Trail (MBT) 5K Run/Walk have announced that the 2013 event is scheduled for Saturday, May 11, 2013.  The race will be held on the off-road, paved portion of the MBT in Northeast DC, starting at 9:00 a.m. at the intersection of S Street NE and 4th Street NE and the trail entrance.  Participation is expected to near 500 runners this year.

The MBT5K’s newest sponsors are Bozzuto and Abdo, developers of Monroe Street Market located at the Brookland-CUA Metro station, which is expected to open its first building this summer.  “We are pleased to support the Third Annual Metropolitan Branch Trail 5K Run/Walk,” said Mike Henehan, Bozzuto Development Vice President.  “The MBT is a terrific asset to the local community, and an important link to the new residences, artist studios and shops of Monroe Street Market.”  A new section of the trail is under construction behind the rising development and will soon connect Monroe Street to the Catholic University entrance of the Brookland-CUA Metro station.

Additional sponsors include local businesses, Hilton Garden Inn and Tynan Coffee and Tea.

Organizers are also reaching out to community groups, DC public and charter schools and recreation centers to offer 150 free registrations to local youth to further the event’s mission – To promote exercise and healthy activity for all ages and to build a sense of community ownership and involvement with the Metropolitan Branch Trail in neighborhoods to which it is adjacent.

Race co-sponsor DC Road Runners Club, a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization which organizes more than 30 races annually in the DC area, will provide online registration, official timing and logistical support.  The 5K course is USATF-certified.   As a charitable event, proceeds will go to subsidize youth runners and fund other MBT trail/community linkages, such as trail beautification, safety and social recreation.

To register, and for business sponsorship information, visit:  You can also “Like” MBT5K on Facebook at  The first 150 students under the age of 18 who register online will be able to participate without charge.  Adults who need assistance with registration fees may contact [email protected].

