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You can call it Millennials on the Move–the continuing flood of young people into the city, creating huge new demand not just for retail, as we reported yesterday, but residential as well. We’ll showcase all at our Explosion of Northeast DC event on Feb. 10, on location in NoMa, a part of our Neighborhood Series presented by United Bank.

MRP’s snazzy 400-unit Elevation luxury apartments, seen here between the ATF and Couryard Marriott. It opened in October and is renting fast.

Stonebridge Carras’ Flats, purchased late last year by TIAA-CREF for $295M, was a pioneer of the area, featuring 643 units above a 50k SF foodie-magnet Harris Teeter.

RSVP for FREE to our NoMa in Color Last Dance of Summer Celebration on September 20!