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PoPville: Jackpot! Late 2016 – REI Flagship taking 51,000 Square Feet of renovated Uline Arena in NoMa

From a press release:

“Today, lovers of the outdoors learned that the country’s largest consumer co-op and specialty outdoor retailer, REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.), will open its fifthflagship store in late 2016 at the site chosen by President Eisenhower for his inaugural ball and by the Beatles for their first concert in the U.S. The REI flagship will serve the fast growing outdoor community in the region, including more than 281,000 REI members who live in and around Washington, D.C. already.

The new REI will be a place to inspire, educate and outfit people who want to live more of their lives outside no matter their skill level or outdoor interest. It is being designed collaboratively. Representatives from the outdoor community are spending time together Wednesday evening to preview and discuss emerging plans including the store design, educational outdoor classes and partnerships with local non-profits, which are the foundation of all REI stores because they help REI members gain access to great places to play.